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Gain access to PROFESSIONAL Trading Tools & Charts, INTELLIGENT Market Screeners and improve your TRADING SKILLS with the Educational Materials & Trade Ideas From The Community Of TradingView!

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Why choose TradingView?

User-friendly Interface

Easy for traders of all levels to use the platform efficiently

Competitive Pricing

Accessible to traders of all levels and bugets.

Advanced Trading Tools

Allows traders to make informed trade decisions.

Multi-language Support

Support for traders from all over the word.

Why People love TradingView

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader,  TradingView provides the tools & features to enhance your trading strategy. With ADVANCED Technical Analysis tools, VALUABLE Educational Materials and INTELLIGENT Screeners, TradingView is fundamental For Traders Of All Levels!

Benefit 1

Reliable & Powerful
For Charting

Benefit 1

Reliable & Powerful
For Charting

TradingView’s advanced charting capabilities offer users powerful insights into the market, enabling them to make informed decisions. With an up-to-date Charting Platform, built-in technical indicators and financial data, TradingView helps traders quickly identify OPPORTUNITIES, visualize trends and make informed trade decisions.

Benefit 2

Educational Materials
& Trade Ideas

Tradingview’s community is an INSPIRING group of people united by a common love for the market. From novice traders to seasoned professionals, this group of traders come together to share Educational Materials & Potential Trade Ideas. Helping one another to become a better trader!

Benefit 2

Educational Materials
& Trade Ideas

Benefit 3

Easily Identify potential trades or investments

Benefit 3

Easily Identify potential trades or investments

The Comprehensive Screener option of TradingView gives traders the ability to quickly and easily identify potential INVESTMENTS & TRADES in the stock-, forex and crypto market. With a variety of filters, the screeners allow traders to select the criteria that are most RELEVANT to their Investment- or Trading Style. 

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The key to succesful trading

Reading books is ESSENTIAL for gaining the KNOWLEDGE and CONFIDENCE to participate in the market! Whether you are a beginner or an advanced trader, there is always an appropriate book for you! Investing in books can be WISE Long-Term Investments and can open doors to SUCCESS.

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